Census Trend Charts Demographic Maps Rankings & Comparisons Segregation Data About CensusScope  
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Exposure by Race
Dissimilarity Indices

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Select the geographical units you want ranked:
Metropolitan Areas

Visit the SSDAN Web Site
CensusScope is a product of the Social Science Data Analysis Network.


The segregation measures were prepared as part of a larger project conducted at the University of Michigan and University of Southern California, which is supported by the the FANNIE MAE FOUNDATION. A companion report, based on these measures. is:

William H. Frey and Dowell Myers. "Neighborhood Segregation in Single-Race and Multirace America: A Census 2000 Study in Cities and Metropolitan Areas." WORKING PAPER, The Fannie Mae Foundation, Washington DC. 2002 (July). [view report]

Additonal Fannie Mae Foundation reports and resources can be found on www.knowledgeplex.org